Customer Reminder plug-in


This plug-in you can automatically recover abandoned shopping carts, incomplete registrations, unpaid orders and more. In the powerful administration of the plugin you can specify as many reminders and config

  1. You can use one of the five predefined rules (Abandoned Shopping Cart, Inactive Customer, Unpaid Orders, etc.) or add new reminder rules from code.

  2. You can specify a period within which each rule action should fall into for a customer to receive a reminder message. (For example send a reminder to all customers who have added a product to their shopping cart and not bought it within the last 7 days but not earlier than 30 minutes from now).

  3. You can use a message template with tokens specific to the nopCommerce store, the customer and the specific action that they have taken (added a product to their shopping cart for example).

  4. You can explicitly exclude customers from receiving a reminder message.

  5. You can have a send message report for each reminder.

We will assist you in the set-up and integration of this plug-in. This plug-in has detailed documentation to assist you in using it.

Other plug-ins that may be of interest to you:

  1. Product Ribbons

  2. Free Gift Promotion

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