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This is the space where we will share e-commerce business and marketing insights and tips. Take a look at our latest blog posts below!
The words e-commerce written over a map of the world

E-commerce re-design. Is your site due an overhaul?

It is best practice to re-design your e-commerce site often. This does not mean big changes every time, but rather incremental changes based on the co ....

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Featured banner. This banner contains a bar graph with some brainstorming around it

10 Metrics to measure the health of your e-commerce business

To make sure your e-commerce business doesn’t fail alongside 50% of all start-ups in South Africa, you need to keep a firm grip on the numbers. This applies equally to mid-size businesses and large corporates aimi ...

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Image containing eight easter eggs, all of different bright colours, lying on wooden desk or other wodden object. The word easter is written on the easter eggs.

Five ways to prepare your online business for an eggs-quisite Easter

Holidays are ideal times to attract new customers and invite back old ones, and Easter is no exception. If you want to capitalise on this, now’s the time to start your Easter campaign and prepare your online busin ...

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Featured image for "How to make google customers review work for you" blog.

How to make Google Customer Reviews work for you

In the e-commerce industry, social proof helps build credibility and trust, making it a powerful tool that sets you above your competitors. Online customers can’t see your products or your team in real life, so in ...

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10 Lesser-known actions for e-commerce success

10 Lesser-known actions for e-commerce success

Every year the e-commerce market grabs a bigger share of worldwide retail sales. With so many options now out there for online customers, the main job of any online business is enticing more of those customers to bu ...

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Infographic: Critical dates for your e-commerce business in 2019

Growing your e-commerce business depends on getting feet through your virtual doors. Although there are many ways to do this, there are certain dates that especially lend themselves to increasing your traffic in 201 ...

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Business men standing on a roof wearing suites

Transform your sales team with a B2B e-commerce system

Too many B2B sales teams are tied up in dealing with queries, orders and deliveries, or trying to join the dots between the various silos of your business. This leaves your team frustrated and many customers dissati ...

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2019 Trends banner

Get ahead of the curve with e-commerce trends for 2019

If you want to stand out from the crowd in 2019, you’ll need to be on top of the latest e-commerce trends. With the number of stores online increasing every year, growing your market share depends on meeting the u ...

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nopCommerce featured image

NopCommerce – the best feature-rich, affordable e-commerce platform

At Comalytics, we’ve done our homework and selected the best platform for the needs of our B2C clients: NopCommerce. Despite its low profile, NopCommerce is often chosen as a solution for performance, value for mo ...

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